Monday, May 13, 2013

The Final Trial...

Pregnancy is a time of discovery and wonder; of all the new feelings and sensations, both wonderful and not so wonderful. All in all it has left me with a great sense of awe about the creation of life and my part in that creation.

Most women can tell you about the not-so-fun things – the list goes from mundane to downright scary! Mine are not so bad; rather just inconvenient. Getting up 3 times a night to go to the bathroom for instance. Suddenly you find yourself on an intimate basis with the bathrooms of all your friends and family members, and you know just where every rest stop is on the way to work and your favourite malls. Lower back pain is another. Standing, walking or sitting in one position for long periods of time is out now. Unless of course you relish walking like a geriatric, grasping your back with one hand and steadying yourself on your spouse or any available railing/wall/cane with the other hand.

Then comes the Third Trimester – a “club” that I’ve just joined barely a week ago. With it comes a whole new set of fun bodily functions. You become an entertaining sight whenever you try to get up from the couch or bed where you were reclining so blissfully. I find myself having to roll into an upright position or rock my body into motion to build up enough momentum to actually stand, because by this stage of pregnancy the little “bean” (as my DH now calls the baby) is quite large and becomes an immovable obstacle that makes bending at the waist practically impossible. Husbands everywhere, please note: laughing  at your spouse as she flounders like a beached whale on the couch is not the right response here. Not if you wish to live. At least my DH doesn’t laugh outright, but I do see the occasional grin – which he unfortunately gets away with because he can start running before I’ve actually gotten on my feet again.

The newest symptom on my “fun” list is an unusual pain in the groin region while walking. Will the fun ever end, right? Turns out this is sometimes caused by my old nemesis, the round ligament, after a particularly taxing day. On other occasions, it may also be attributed to the pelvic bone ligaments starting to move apart as my body produces relaxin to prepare me for labour. FYI, this is also the wonderful hormone that relaxes the hip ligaments and makes you walk like a duck during the Third Trimester. How attractive!

If you have never been pregnant, but you want children one day, don’t let me put you off though. I like to gripe a bit, like any woman. It feels good to vent. But I wouldn’t trade this for anything. The experience has offered me so much more positive things that negative, all in all. The first time you get to feel the baby move, or better yet the first time the baby kicks hard enough for your DH to feel him/her move. I wouldn’t trade that moment for anything in the world! The look of absolute amazement on his face will stay with me my whole life, I think.

And then, just around week 24, suddenly baby can hear your voice and can recognize other people’s voices too. We realise this little person is already developing a personality, even before birth! My little bean is turning out to be quite suspicious of new voices – I find that he/she won’t kick for people I’m not around regularly. But once she hears my DH’s voice – oh boy! Get ready for some major karate moves. Baby also loves music with drums and base – Church was an adventure this past Sunday, let me tell you. You can’t help but giggle if baby starts jiving as soon as the band starts up. And any movie with an explosion or two is enough to get his/her attention – which actually makes it seem like we’re watching the movie together, all three of us. But baby quiets down as soon as I speak or sing, like he/she is straining to hear every word and take it all in.

Nothing will prepare you for this experience. But I also don’t think there is much of anything in the world that can surpass it. I can’t wait to meet this little person for the first time, and see the face that will change our lives forever.