Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Research has shown that a woman builds her feelings of self-worth largely from the relationship she has with her father. Her relationship with him, whether good, abusive, or non-existent, will influence all other relationships she has with men in future. It is a scary thing to know, in this age where men so often write themselves out of the picture. They abandon their children, or reject them, or deny even having fathered them in the first place. I weep for the women these girls might grow up to be - alone, with severe rejection issues, and possibly seeking love in all the wrong places.

Recently I started examining my own life. My own relational issues. And I realised how true all this is. Because of an intense feeling of rejection I experienced from my father, I struggle to experience or accept love. I can objectively see when people are expressing their love. Over the years I have learned as much. But I find it is hard to feel loved. I default to feeling rejected and unloved, at the smallest provocation. When people cancel plans with me, or even if they are late, it feels like a comment on our relationship or on my worth in their eyes. When friends don't have the time to comfort me in times that I feel myself sinking into depression, I feel that same rejection again. I find myself always alone, always having to carry this burden of life myself. 

When I realised that these feelings aren't rational, it didn't really help. You can know something is a lie and still struggle with it. When I realised the cause, it began to make a difference. But it also made me angry. To know that not only did I have to experience abandonment and rejection from one person, but that his actions have interfered with the rest of my life. I am angry at my father for all of this, and I wish I could speak to him to explain to him the harm he has caused me. But I know it will have no effect. It will not change the person he is. 

The only thing that I have learned I can do, is to lean deeper into my heavenly Father. One whom I had trouble relating to for so long - because Father was not a good word in  my vocabulary. But we humans often make the mistake of trying to label or judge our Father based on other humans, who are fallible and fallen. Our Father is so very faithful, and merciful, and abounding in love. He is unchanging through the ages. A Father who is always present, always listens, and always loves us. He loves each one of us with such a burning love that can never be extinguished. It took me little over 30 years to reach this place where I love my Abba more than any other person or thing, because for the first time I know I can trust Him with who I am and with what I have. There will never be rejection. He made me exactly this way and He delights in watching me grow and live. And all of this makes me let go of anger and blame. These are poisons that kill the one holding it, not the one who caused the pain. I imagine myself opening my hand slowly, and letting a wind blow it out of my hand, like a collection of broken leaves and dried flower petals and feathers. The wind lifts it without effort and removes it from me - far away. And I know it is the Spirit that helps me to release the burden.

Now I am no longer an orphan. My spirit cries out Abba and He answers. Now the rebuilding begins. To learn to love and to learn to accept love from others.

For all the women who have been abandoned or rejected or mistreated, you are so incredibly loved. You are beautiful and worthy to be loved. There is a Father that is so beyond our human frailties, who can love you like no other. He has patience stretching out over the horizon. His love is unfathomable. And He is yours. You can sit in His arms whenever. Never will He show you away, or be too busy. Never will he mistreat you or abandon you. I would urge you to run to Him, as fast as you can. Crawl if you must.

For all the earthly fathers out there, I beg you to realise what your actions can do to your children, especially your daughters. A harsh word or a hand lifted in anger can have devastating effects. Make time. Don't cancel your plans together. Don't brush off their small attempts to build a relationship with you. Don't wait until "their older". Now is the time; don't waste it.

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